Meet our Artisans

Artisan of the Month, October 2023
Sara Sweet
I have always loved the arts, everything from music, Broadway shows, art museums, street art, and crafting. I never thought that my love for creating would allow me to own my own business and share my love and creativity with others. Just a few months ago, my daughter, Sullivan and I decided to take a leap of faith and purchase Classic Tassels and More. This was very scary for both of us, as she is Senior at Savannah College of Art and Design and living in Savannah and I am in Suwanee. How were we going to make this work? That was the question we were asking ourselves as we were deciding to purchase this business. We turned to our faith and prayed and prayed about this life changing adventure. I knew that God was not going to lead me in the wrong direction as long as I was listening to his word and guidance. I knew that this was the right decision and God has big plans for us and our business. I never looked back and I praise God everyday for this gift he is giving Sullivan and I. I have learned in my walk with Christ, that even when I am terrified, scared, and questioning the storm I am in, whether self created or not, I praise him! It is with the joys and the storms that have made me who I am and sealed my faith and belief that without Christ, I am nothing, but with him, I am anything and everything I can dream of and be.

Connection Group Facilitator, June 2023
Julie West
Although I was raised in a loving Christian home, I entered adulthood with physical ailments, sexual assault, rape, and an eating disorder on my rap sheet. Feeling rejected and insecure, I sought love and acceptance in all the wrong places. BUT THEN, I encountered Jesus Christ, and THIS TIME I understood: “He who has been forgiven much, loves much” (Luke 7:47). He would redeem my sin and use it to glorify His name.
Not long after (2003), I was invited to drink coffee and study God’s Word with new friends, unaware that it was also an invitation from God to serve Him in unfathomable ways. Although, I was unqualified and unequipped, I said “Yes”, and He did the rest. Today, I am an author and Bible teacher, conference speaker, the leader of multiple ministries (, a senior pastor’s wife (Calvary Chapel Alpharetta), and the mother of 3 Jesus-loving young adults. His call has required great faith and personal sacrifice. It has always been worth it!
In January 2023, I was invited to facilitate Monday morning Bible study at the Well. It is my hope to encourage all who attend to have great faith in Christ and “to know the Truth that shows them how to live godly lives" (Titus 1:1, NLT).

Artisan of the month, May 2023
Tricia Willman
I have always considered myself a Christian, but I didn’t always know Jesus. I grew up in a Catholic Church, but once my education and sacrament requirements were fulfilled I stopped attending regularly. I continued to believe in God, but I did not feel close to Him. I didn’t understand that I did not need to attend a church to be worthy of His love. My husband and I attended a few different churches with our children as they grew up, not knowing there was more than just attending and serving in church. We landed at a local church, we participated in community and fellowship groups over the years, and I serve in children’s ministry. The individuals in these groups helped me begin my journey to know Jesus.
In the beginning of 2020, I desired a deeper understanding of faith and scripture. That January I attended a friend’s small Bible Study group after her third invitation. I was welcomed with open arms. The women were sharing their 2020 words and verses of the year; I was captivated as they listened intently and lifted each other up with loving and kind words. As I thanked them for their warm welcome, I wept as I told them I sawl how much they trusted Jesus and cared for each other. I joined their group, and these women quickly became my sisters in Christ. I thought they would bring me to Jesus, so I could know Him personally; I didn’t understand that Jesus was always with me, and I just had to reach out and take His hand. They walked me through scripture, and they helped me understand the truth: Jesus loves me, He is always with me, and I can trust Him in everything. While on a family trip to the beach in May and June of 2020, I finally surrendered my life to Jesus. I became a new person walking with Him by my side, and trusting every day that He is in control, so I don’t have to be. My Bible Study sisters still love and support me, and I am eternally thankful they helped me open my heart to Jesus.
When Tonya was preparing to open The Well, she asked me what gifts I could share with our community at The Well. I love to create and craft, and Tonya encouraged me to share these gifts in workshops and sell my creations as an artisan at The Well. Our Craft and Connect workshops have provided me with an outlet to do two things I love - creating and sharing. I have led many workshops - crafting, hand lettering, journaling, and more - but the connections with women are the most rewarding part of Craft and Connect. I love connecting with women, but seeing the conversations and connections among women as they craft, while often getting out of their creative comfort zones, is the ultimate reward. I cherish the connections I have made and the women I call friends and sisters. The Well is not only a beautiful space to spend time together, it is truly a safe space to be real, be loved, and belong.

Artisan of the month, April 2023
Val Lopiccolo
During the recent pandemic, I found myself in one of the most challenging and difficult times of my life when my mother who was living in Brazil was drawing near to her passing. I had a relationship with God at this time but I had always kept my relationship with God to myself because I believed God was too busy with the messy world that we live in and taking care of more important things. Even though He already saved me and I am a living testimony of His unconditional love, I didn’t know how to pray, or get closer and stronger, and have a constant relationship with my God. So I found myself feeling extremely depressed and having bulimia. I reached a point where I was more than 50 pounds over my regular weight as food became my escape and happy place. I was sleeping only 2-3 hrs every night, my whole body was aching, I was having nightmares almost every night, and struggling with exhaustion. One day I was really missing my closest sister **Angela** who had passed away a couple years prior. So I exploded in crying and asked God to give me sisters in Christ Jesus that would be my real friends and part of my life. I was guided by God to contact my mentor at my church and she suggested that I go to The Well. I had no clue what I was about to experience. I went to the website and decided to attend the Her Story Matters Bible study. As I was preparing to go, I was having so many negative thoughts about myself (you are this, you are that, nobody cares…) and these thoughts were trying to stop me from going but I did go and I’m so glad that I did! When I opened the door to The Well I felt God’s presence and unconditional love right away. Not only that, but this gorgeous lady welcomed me with a beautiful smile saying, “Hi, my name is **Angela**, what is your name?” I asked her, “What is your name again?” She repeated **Angela**. That blew my mind! Then I walked to the table toward the back and another beautiful lady with a beautiful smile introduced herself to me and said, “Hi, my name is **Angela**!” Wow! This was the beautiful confirmation of God’s answer to my prayers! So I started attending all of the events at The Well and because I have always loved to cook, I started bringing home made dishes to share and express my love and gratitude to my sisters in Christ Jesus. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to lead a cooking workshop there, but they believed in me and gave me the opportunity, and I have now led three cooking workshops and am having a table at the upcoming artisan market on April 22nd to sell some of my favorite delights! God blessed me by transforming my food addiction into a beautiful art that has become a blessing to me and others. And God has blessed me even more abundantly by giving me beautiful sisters in Christ who love me with an unconditional love that I’ve never experienced before. I am growing closer to God by being a part of The Well community and I am finding hope and healing for many of the hurts that I have carried with me for my entire life. I cannot express my gratitude enough to God for blessing Tonya and Angela to create The Well for our community. I am forever changed!

Artisan of the month, March 2023
Alyssa Kumle
I am an acrylic painter, writer, youth leader and disability advocate who has a passion for people and for Jesus. I was born with a rare and progressive neurological disease in my feet and legs that has caused severe foot drop, flat arches, nerve damage and muscle weakness, leading me bound to leg braces and a walker or scooter. Through the physical limitations throughout my life, painting has become a very healing thing I’ve turned to for self expression and as an outlet. I have a space at the Roswell Square Gallery, make paintings for people in recovery, have some art at a friends ministry booth at Lakewood 400 Antiques, Local Yokles in Helen, and sell paintings at a few coffee shops that support individuals with special needs. I also have done many pop ups and have sold art for various fundraising events. I recently wrote my first book, Doubtless: Walking by Faith not by Sight- my story of overcoming a lot of self doubt, life with a disability, and the loss of a loved one, and reflecting on God’s healing power and faithfulness in the midst of trial and suffering. I’ve discovered time and time again that God is the way maker when we feel that there is no way, and His sustaining power has gotten me through times I never thought possible. Every time I doubted myself or doubted God’s promises, doubted His goodness or His love for me, He was there all along, strengthening my dependence on Him and my perseverance through much testing of faith. Even through many painful times, I wouldn’t trade any of it because I’ve seen God’s healing power like I never thought imaginable. Through art and writing, my heart is to spread joy and encouragement through creativity and to see others press into their gifts and talents despite their unique differences. I have a heart and sensitivity to those on the outside, and I want to motivate others to be fully themselves, embrace who God created them to be, and truly know that we are all more capable than we realize, with Christ who gives us strength. Though I never chose a life with a physical hinderance, I’m thankful to be apart of a local wheelchair sports team, be an advocate for various disabilities communities, and apart of the Hope Heals camp community. Sometimes what we see as our greatest set back is God’s open door to greater blessing and adventure. I recently found out about the Well through a mutual friend. When I stopped in I felt such love and connected deeply with multiple women. It is a very special place and I’m honored to be apart of such a community of believers from different walks of life. I’m very excited to be one of the artists at the Well, and hope to share prophetic paintings and art that radiates the love of Christ and brings people joy.

Artisan of the month, February 2023
Alicia Roper Korich
"I've always enjoyed making things, but I never thought of it as anything more than a hobby, until I attended a women's conference and someone talked about how creative God is. I began to see crafting as a chance to get away from the busyness of life and spend some one-on-one time with Jesus, where I am able to talk through situations with him and allow him to speak to me. My first experience with The Well was a crafting workshop, and I fell in love with the place and its purpose, as well as the people I met. There is true refreshment and community at The Well."

Artisan of the month, December 2022
Jennifer Prosser
"My story is filled with a lifetime of addictions from alcohol to eating disorders, abuse of many forms and running as far from God as I could. I am so grateful that 12 year ago I experienced His love, grace, mercy, and healing. He also taught me what it meant to be a servant and follow him with my whole heart, which was out of character for me because I was a selfish person, not a selfless one. A few years ago, I felt God asking me to get rid of my things and pick up my cross and follow him. So, I did...literally! I have been on 3 mission trips to Ghana, Africa, and just went to India. God took this selfish heart and turned it into a servant's heart. Where He calls me, I will go! I am living in faith and walking in trust.
Where does my jewelry fit into all this? While in therapy for my eating disorders in my twenties, I learned I needed to keep my hands busy. I found a love for making jewelry, knitting, and journal making. But I must keep this in check as well and not lose sight of who has given me these gifts. Everything I make is going towards my mission trips. Come and stop by The Well and encounter the love of Jesus. And while you're at it, check out all the lovely treasures many of us have on display to sell.
The Well has been such an answer to my prayer. I was in search of community and a place to connect with women after coming back from Ghana. God had just done a huge work in my life and I knew isolation can be a killer. I wanted to continue the momentum and not lose sight of what He had just started in me. I met Tonya to hear about all they were doing at The Well and just upon entering the door you can feel the love of Jesus emanating throughout the entire place! Jesus met me there! I longed for a deeper connection with Jesus, find community, to be part of something that's bigger than me, to have close friendships, and a place I could be me. I have never felt so loved! Jesus brought some amazing new friends into my life, and I have encountered much needed healing in this place. You can walk in a stranger and leave being a part of a close-knit circle of women who love Jesus more than the air they breathe. It's contagious. Jesus is the refreshing living water our souls need, and He gives that to us at The Well."

Artisan of the month, October 2022
Rajni Pedapalli
Rajni was born in India to Christian parents. Always encouraged by her spiritual, prayerful mother. From childhood. always passionate about music and singing. Rajni says, " As a child I grew up in a church. He has been with me and faithful to me all through my life. He blessed me with dreams and visions." As a lifelong dreamer and worshipper, Rajni has been crafting and praising the Lord all of her life. She carries within her holy curiosities mingled with a heritage of hospitality and passionate prayer. In 2019, she was in a dry and lonely place and she began to pray for God to surround her with women she could fellowship with and walk in deeper faith with. A few years later, God answered this prayer with a vision and a gathering of soul sisters she now holds close in her heart. She always wanted to do something with her God given gifts. One day she laid her hands out to God and prayer for her to use her hands to work towards His glory.
She believes God gave her the desires for Rajni's Remedies, her health and beauty product line, straight out of Psalm 23. While praying into this passage, she had a vision of oil and the image moved her into action by faith to begin this adventure with God. Through a series of closed doors and a season of patience, waiting, and trusting, she was led to The Well. This is where a beautiful partnership began. She remembers meditating on the way to The Well for the first time and how God reminded her of the well at her childhood home. She recalls the joy that came from an overflowing well after rain brought fulfillment to the vessel. She felt that same joy upon her soul as she traveled to an unknown place, where God was destined to bring His refreshment back into the well of her heart.
She has found sisterhood, community, and eternal connection with the women she's encountered at The Well. Though, she initially went searching for a place to display her products, instead she discovered a strorehouse of beautiful saints and moments she'll treasure for all time. She is forever grateful for how God answered her desperate cry for friendship with fellowship and spiritual growth. He also blessed her with the opportunity to create and build a business that would be a blessing to many. "I have truly found my spiritual home where I can drink from the living water and eat of the living bread of life. Jesus and The Well are my life line to peace and true happiness!! The Well is my hiding place to experience unconditional love from sisters in Christ and where I can use my gifts and talents for the Lord." Rajni also says she only ever uses all natural, fresh organic ingredients. She uses ingredients such as rosemary, aloe vera, citrus zest, cinnamon, turmeric, herbs and fresh dried flowers. Everything is all natural with tender loving care. "I sing a joyful melody over my products" says Rajni. She surrendered her hands and heart in gratitude has opened a door for this divine ministry to bless homes with a piece of her legacy and touch of God"s heart.

Artisan of the month, July 2022
Callie Beckford
"I grew up in church and accepted Christ as a child. He has been with me through all my ups and downs over the years and has remained faithful to me even when I was not faithful to Him. I do not know how I would have gotten through my life so far without His love and steady presence. Even though I have been growing in my relationship with Christ, the last few years I have felt like I was in a desert with regards to my relationships with other Christian women. When it was announced at my Sunday school class that women's bible study was starting up in January, I knewI wanted to join in hopes of finding the connection I needed. The bible study was being held at The Well. I didn't know anything about The Well when I walked in to that first session. To say that I found what I was looking for is an understatement. From the moment I walked in, I felt welcomed and loved by every person there. I have met the most authentic, open, Christ-loving women that just wanted to show me the love of Christ. I experienced the presence of Jesus so much during that first session through the other ladies vulnerability and willingness to sit at His feet.
Through these few short months coming to The Well, I have been blessed far more than I ever thought or imagined. I have met women that support me and pray for me. I have experienced a deeper understanding of who God is and how much He loves each and every one of us. I truly believe Jesus led me to The Well, met me exactly where I was, and blessed me far more than I could ever imagine. When I think of The Well, I think of John 10:10 where Jesus says, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly". Each time I'm at The Well, I pray that God uses me to help women experience the overwhelming abundance of Jesus's love for them.