Prayer Ministry
Our prayer team will pray for every request submitted. We are open for personal prayer Monday through Thursday from 9:30am-2:30pm. We have prayer rooms for you to use privately or ask a member of our team to pray with you. We also have a prayer wall for you to drop your prayer card into if you stop by when we are closed. You can also submit your request using the form below, or email your prayer request to prayforme@thewellconnection.org.
In Matthew’s gospel, he records the words of Jesus from his famous Sermon on the Mount.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Asking shows a dependence on God for needs that can be met no other way. God is always pleased with such displays of faith. God is not hiding from His children. His heart’s desire is for us to persistently and passionately look for Him all around us, and when we do, He promises He will be found.
Seeking is a matter of paying attention with an engaged mind and acute awareness.
Seeking God’s kingdom means putting God’s plan before our own.
If a person needs something from someone behind a door, the most natural thing to do is knock—and keep knocking until the door is opened and the desire is met. In the same way, a believer should pray in faith for God’s provision and be persistent in prayer.